Why You Should Buy a Franchise Instead of Starting Your Own
It is very rare a person will have all the natural expertise in every area of starting a successful business. Franchises provide an organized way to start, operate and grow a business. If the franchise is successful it should give you the whole framework of how the business is started.
Each business is individually owned and managed, however it gets to use all the benefits of the organization with the support and care of the franchiser.
Including: -Group advertisement. -Benefit of using known and legit services, trademarks, proprietary information, patents and designs. -Training from head quarters successful operators.– Lower risk of failure and loss than starting a business from scratch. – Complete operational assistance from the franchiser, during the beginning of start up and after in financing, accounting, employee training and operational.
Government research in previous years has been found that the success of franchise owned businesses verse non-franchise owned/ small businesses are much higher than the non-franchise businesses.
Quick tip! If you chose a franchise that is in an area/ skill you really love, there is a much higher chance of succeeding and enjoying your job and company!
References: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/286212