Generation Z: Harnessing the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Who is Gen Z?
Millennials, or Generation Y, born from 1982 through 1993 have been rumored to be the most entrepreneurial generation. Yet, Generation Z or the ‘Next Gen,’ who were born between years 1994 and 2010 are positioned to become the most entrepreneurial generation ever seen. Gen Z is the “Internet Generation,” they are tech savvy, self-educated, connected. A recent study of Gen Z’ers concluded that 72% of them wanted to start their own company, utilizing entrepreneurship to have control over their lives, become debt-free, and to choose a purposeful life.
Entrepreneurs can create their own schedules, creating the work-life balance many seek. Many studies have concluded that people who leave little time for themselves after working long hours have a 33% higher risk of stroke and a 13% higher risk of heart disease. Work-life balance is more than enjoying vacations and having free time, it is a health risk. Gen Z’ers may be the generation to break free of restrictive 9-5 schedules to prioritize their health and family, and entrepreneurship is the key.

Why are Gen Zers turning towards entrepreneurship?
Generation Z is the most optimistic and purpose driven generation. Two-thirds of Gen Z’ers say they are optimistic about the future, while 55% say they believe they place emphasis on whether their work has a purpose. The upcoming generation wants there to be an end goal, an objective for the reason they are working, wanting to improve the world through the work they do. Generation Z wants work to be more than profit, and there is no better brand for them than High Touch High Tech. For the optimistic Gen Z’er, High Touch High Tech is improving the world through STEM education, leaving a lasting impression on the 16 million students we reach each year. Our franchisees have the satisfaction in knowing their work has meaning and benefits our world.

Generation Z can take their work life into their own hands through entrepreneurship. By becoming your own boss, your earnings are a direct reflection of your hard work; you can choose when you work, and what you are doing. For the novice entrepreneur, franchising is an excellent way to branch into business ownership. Franchising allows someone with no entrepreneurship experience to launch a business with a proven successful concept, offering support to guide your business in the right direction. High Touch High Tech is a purpose driven franchise, leaving a lasting impression on the students, teachers, and parents we serve. If you are ready to take your life by the reins, inquire about a High Touch High Tech franchise today!