Employee to Owner: Rising through the Franchise Ranks

Many employees dream of one day becoming their own boss. A franchise business owner often takes a less traveled path, becoming a franchise employee before rising to franchise owner. By working in a business, you have a valuable perspective; you experience the inner workings of the business, understand what it takes to be in charge, and gain an appreciation for the work employees do. At High Touch High Tech, some of our top preforming franchisees worked as franchise employees prior to opening their own locations.
Rocket Ryan, franchise owner of High Touch High Tech Detroit and Oakland County worked as a part time scientist and fell in love with High Touch High Tech’s programming and mission. As a franchise employee, he witnessed the impact our business has on children, experiencing the excitement in children firsthand. Rocket Ryan believes in finding compassionate, inspired staff to leave a lasting impression on the students he serves, helping to establish a lifelong interest in STEM. By becoming an entrepreneur, Rocket Ryan has been able to enjoy the flexibility and success of being a successful business owner and pours his heart and soul into his business.

“I chose [High Touch High Tech] because I love doing it. I was a part time scientist and I just fell in love with the programming and working with the kids.”
Rocket Ryan, franchise owner of High Touch High Tech Detroit and Oakland County
Another owner who rose from franchise employee to franchise owner is Volcanic Victoria of High Touch High Tech Chicago. After working for High Touch High Tech for 3 years as a scientist, she saw how our teaching platform of engaging and inspiring children from an early age was her passion. Volcanic Victoria had 10 years of experience in education prior to becoming a franchise employee, and when the chance to purchase our Chicago franchise from her boss presented itself, she realized there was no better opportunity. By believing that STEM is the key to unlocking innovation, Volcanic Victoria wants to set the foundation for engaging, creative education to propel ideas for our future. Within a year, Victoria was able to move her at-home business into an office, creating a larger and more successful business than the business she previously worked for.

“The joy you see on students faces, how they give you hugs when you’re done teaching because they had such a good time, seeing them smile and laugh. They actually remember what you teach them. That’s what sold me on High Touch High Tech.”
Volcanic Victoria, franchise owner of High Touch High Tech Chicago
Rocket Ryan and Volcanic Victoria are only two franchisees that prove how successful franchise employees can become as franchise owners. By gaining firsthand experience into our market, the inner workings of the business, and becoming passionate about our mission, these franchisees have been hugely fortunate, and have grown from employee to entrepreneur. While you don’t have to have been a franchise employee to become a lucrative franchisee, experiencing our business motivates people with almost any background. Become your own boss and inspire children today by speaking with High Touch High Tech about our franchise opportunities!