Child Services and Education Franchises: Recession Proof Businesses
In times of economic instability, people leap into entrepreneurship. The current recession onset by COVID-19 has caused depression-era unemployment numbers, leaving people with business experience, leadership skills, and technology capabilities without work. Find a viable, inspiring way to provide for your family and future by opening your High Touch High Tech franchise.
Social distancing measures closed restaurants, schools, gyms, daycares, recreational facilities and more as guidelines to restrict coronavirus swept the nation. High Touch High Tech was fortunate enough to be able to move our hands-on STEM education model to an online offering, delivering our product to social distancing students across the world. Many center-based child education franchises have struggled to maintain any sense of revenue, as reopening phases across the nation stagger. Home based franchise opportunities have become ever more appealing as changes are embedded in a post-COVID world.
Since High Touch High Tech opened for business in 1992, we have fared our share of financial crises, and this recession is another battle we are defeating. Parents prioritize the education of their children, especially in dire times of economic crises. Working parents and parents looking for work still need to occupy their children, and High Touch High Tech serves the dual role of entertaining and educating children. High Touch High Tech has proven to be a necessity, and a truly recession proof business. Throughout 27 years of highs and lows, the High Touch High Tech franchise system has continued to strengthen and grow.
High Touch High Tech has offered franchises since 1994 and will continue to be the leading child education franchise opportunity. Our franchise opportunities appeal to the independent, optimistic, business savvy, and ambitious potential entrepreneur. Speak with us about your future career today!