Do the Moon Walk!

Ever imagined what it would be like to walk across the Moon’s surface? Only 12 humans have ever walked on the surface of the moon! While we can’t travel to the moon, we can imagine what a visit would be like! The moon has no atmosphere, no air, and 83% less gravity than on planet…

Crater Maker

Ever heard that the moon was made of cheese? That’s not quite true, but it does have holes and indentions like a brick of swiss! If you stare at the moon on a clear night, you may see these gray spots called impact craters. When rocks traveling through space collide with the moon, it may…

Light Wave Rainbows

What is light? Brightness, electricity, light bulbs, fire and energy are all different definitions of light. Sunlight travels 94 million miles to Earth to provide us light! Light travels in waves and moves very quickly, light travels at 186,000 miles per second. That is like walking around the Earth’s circumference 7.5 times in the time…

Exploding Colors

We offer a fun experiment called “Exploding Colors” that represents the relationship between milk and common dish soap that can be found at your home! Milk has fat in it and the food coloring floats on top of the fat. The fat is all connected with bonds. Think of it like the little pieces of…